Stevens Point Area YMCA

How to use our On-line System

If you have a question about your login, password or the actual registration procedure you may

=Web Registration

 and your question will be responded to within 24 hours.

Accessing the On-Line System

Log-in: Members and Community Participants

Find a Program

Browse the Program List

Other Options

Additional Notes

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Accessing the On-Line System


Since you are seeing this Help, you have already accessed the On-Line System:





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Log-in: Full Members and Current Community Participants


If you have previously used our system:



If you are in our database and this is the first time you are using the system:

·         ·        See the bottom of the log in screen under the heading "first time login".

·         ·        Enter your First and Last Name.  These must be entered the same way that they are in our database.  This usually means that the first name is the your proper name, such as Joseph, rather than an informal name, such as Joe.

·         ·        Enter your email address.  This address will be used to send you receipts after a payment or registration.  This email address will also be used to log in the next time you use the system.  Please check your email address to be sure it is correct.

·         ·        The prompt describes how you can use a default password if you have not previously established one.  Your password is automatically set to the first initial of your first name + the first initial of your last name + date of birth (mmddyy).  An example for John Doe born 02/01/1968: JD020168.


·         ·        You can also ask any Members Services staff to enter your email address and a password for you on your membership record.  This will make logging in easier.


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Find a program


Once you have entered the Program Search area you have several options to find the program(s) you want, click the question mark after the search box for more details.


Once you have selected all of your criteria, click on the search button.

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Browse the program list


Once you have selected all of your criteria and clicked on search, you will see a list of programs with the following information:



Select the program(s) that you want to register for and then click the button at the bottom of the list.  You will be prompted to answer questions for the program if necessary.  Payment options will be shown.  If this is still the program(s) you want, click on "add to cart".


The system will show you the current status of your cart.  You may delete items from the cart, proceed to checkout or continue to shop for programs.  There are several options listed at the bottom of the page.  You may also select another family member to register for programs and place those programs in the cart.


If you do not see a program that you want to register for, you can click on the "Program Search" button in the left pane and change the criteria.


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Other Options


Several other options are available using the buttons on the left side of the screen:


·                 my family allows you to select another member of the family to register for programs.


·                 my information allows you to view and change information on your membership record - including the number and/or expiration date of your credit card if used for monthly membership or program draft.  Just write-over the old data and then click on 'Update".  Note that only the last 4 digits of your Credit Card will be displayed.


·                 program search can be used to return to searching for a program.


·                 rosters/balances will show all the programs that the currently selected family member has registered for in the past year.  If there is a balance-due on any program, the balance can be added to your cart and paid using your credit card.


·                 my donations allows you to view any pledges that have been made to the Y and to make payments towards those pledges.


·                 log out logs you out of the system.  If registrations are pending and have not been completed, they will be lost.


·         ·        help/contact brings you to this help information at any time.

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additional notes


·          Your registration will immediately update to our database at the Front Desk and be logged for the day…if you need to make any changes after you have confirmed your registration you will have to contact the Membership Service Desk.

They can be reached at 715-342-2980 ext. 301

·          Please send an email to with any questions, comments or suggestions about our On-line System.


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